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CATEGORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONSMEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONS (Full year to the 31st March 2026)Subscriptions for new members cover the period to the end of our financial year 31st March, and are full price.
SUBSCRIPTION & APPLICATION CRITERIASUBSCRIPTION & APPLICATION CRITERIAAll membership subscriptions are paid yearly in advance. The Club’s financial year commences 1st April and all subscriptions are due by the 8th May. Regardless of the date of admission, new Club members must pay the full Annual Subscription and any other fees as set from time to time at each Annual General Meeting. All subscriptions are to be paid to Reception personnel only. Bar staff cannot accept subscription payment. All information on the Application Form is for the sole purpose of maintaining the Hamilton Workingmen’s Club Inc Membership database. In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, personal information is not divulged to any other person without permission in writing by the applicant. Information on Application Form(s) found purposely false will automatically warrant cancellation of Club membership. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONApply for membership to the Hamilton Workingmen's Club.
Once complete, please hand deliver or post with payment to: Membership Applications Hamilton Workingmen’s Club PO Box 9429 | Hamilton DOWNLOAD MEMBERSHIP FORM - Full Year Guests of Members or Affiliates